Cartographers: Map Pack 5 – Kethra's Steppe: Redtooth & Goldbelly

Cartographers: Map Pack 5 – Kethra's Steppe: Redtooth & Goldbelly

11,95 €
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From the grassy plain of Kethra’s Steppe rise the twin spires of Redtooth Peak and Goldbelly Mountain. In addition to charting the terrain around these mountains, you must rekindle the mysterious beacons atop their summits. These fires once burned every night to represent the eye of Kethra, goddess of thresholds and gates. Queen Gimnax hopes that renewing their flames will gain her the goddess’s favor, perhaps opening the door to other worlds.

Cartographers: Map Pack 5, Kethra’s Steppe can be played with either Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale or Cartographers Heroes.

It includes 75 double-sided new map sheets featuring twin mountain spires and their beacon ranges and 3 new scoring cards, specifically for use with this map pack. Players light beacons by surrounding them and score points based on a 5th type of scoring card introduced in this map pack.




Cartographers: Map Pack 5 –...

11,95 €